When is bill of rights day?

bill of rights day is next on Sunday, December 15, 2024

Always know when is bill of rights day. Figure out how many days till bill of rights day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
bill of rights day

© bigstockphoto.com / sharafmaksumov

Bill of Rights Day is on the 15th of December and celebrates the protections afforded to Americans by the ten amendments to the Constitution. Interestingly, we place so much emphasis on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but without the Bill of Rights, anti-federalists would never have ratified the Constitution. Therefore, the Bill of Rights is one of the most important historical documents in our country's history.

These amendments include, amongst others, the right to freedom of speech and religion, to bear arms, swift justice through a fair, impartial hearing, and several others. Bill of Rights Day gives you the perfect opportunity to inform your child about these amendments and how they impact their lives. It's an ideal time for exercises that get them to think about what their lives would be like without these amendments.

How to Celebrate Bill of Rights Day

Bill of Rights Day is a time for lively debate. Do the amendments still make sense today as much as they did when written? Ask the anti-gun lobbyists, and they'll say that it's time to ditch the second amendment. Instead, speak to your children and colleagues about the topic and see if they have any input on the Bill of Rights’ relevance today. Perhaps there are some amendments you'd like to add yourself. You're bound to have a great discussion on the matter and more respect for the people who hashed out this document the first time on #BillofRightsDay.

How many days until bill of rights day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to bill of rights day

Upcoming dates for bill of rights day

When is bill of rights day 2024?Sunday, December 15, 2024
When is bill of rights day 2025?Monday, December 15, 2025
When is bill of rights day 2026?Tuesday, December 15, 2026
When is bill of rights day 2027?Wednesday, December 15, 2027
When is bill of rights day 2028?Friday, December 15, 2028
When is bill of rights day 2029?Saturday, December 15, 2029
When is bill of rights day 2030?Sunday, December 15, 2030
When is bill of rights day 2031?Monday, December 15, 2031
When is bill of rights day 2032?Wednesday, December 15, 2032
When is bill of rights day 2033?Thursday, December 15, 2033
When is bill of rights day 2034?Friday, December 15, 2034