When is religious freedom day?

religious freedom day is next on Friday, January 16, 2026

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religious freedom day

© bigstockphoto.com / Dari_designPie

Religious Freedom Day is celebrated on January 16 each year. It honors the signing of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the rights it has given us. On January 16, 1786, the great Thomas Jefferson created the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which the Virginia General Assembly embraced soon after. The landmark document allowed the US people to practice their faith freely without being jailed, harassed, or killed. It also gave people the freedom to change their religion without fear of retribution. Shortly after its creation, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom became the inspiration and foundation of the First Amendment of the United States. Today, US citizens have the right to practice any religion they choose without fear of persecution or retribution from the government.

How To Celebrate Religious Freedom Day

Exercising your right to religious freedom is an excellent way to celebrate Religious Freedom Day. Some people might decide to attend a religious ceremony at their local church, synagogue, or mosque, while others study their sacred texts from home. Brushing up on the history of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom is also a surefire way to get in the Religious Freedom Day spirit. It’s a crucial document in American history and played a pivotal role in shaping our country. There are countless books, movies, and documentaries that lay out the history of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom and the rights it gives US citizens. Make sure to celebrate your religious freedom this January 16 for #ReligiousFreedomDay.

How many days until religious freedom day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to religious freedom day

Upcoming dates for religious freedom day

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