When is national former prisoner of war recognition day?

national former prisoner of war recognition day is next on Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Always know when is national former prisoner of war recognition day. Figure out how many days till national former prisoner of war recognition day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national former prisoner of war recognition day

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National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day is celebrated on April 9th each year to pay tribute to American veterans who have suffered imprisonment in times of war. The day occurs on the anniversary of the Battle of Bataan in 1942, when American soldiers surrendered and were captured by troops from the Japanese Army in the Philippines. After battling hostile conditions and prolonged conflicts, the Japanese troops forced their captives to march 60-70 miles to the prison camp. Without food, water, or medical attention, hundreds died. Survivors of the brutal journey continued to endure mistreatment. The hardships, suffering, and brutality lasted two years for those who survived the entire ordeal before heading back to the US.

In 1984, a movement led by former POWs began advocating for a day to recognize former POWs on April 9th of each year. Four years later, Congress approved legislation that designated the 9th of April a day to honor US forces taken prisoner on the Bataan Peninsula. Since President Ronald Reagan declared observance of the holiday in 1988, Americans have recognized it every year.

How to Celebrate National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

Recognize former POWs by helping organize veteran events. Some states require government facilities and organizations to fly the POW/MIA flag on this day. Ensure your organization flies the flag. Volunteer to help a veteran organization. Rally your friends and relatives to volunteer as well. Spread the word to as many people as you can and share on social media using #NationalPrisonerOfWarDay.

How many days until national former prisoner of war recognition day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national former prisoner of war recognition day

Upcoming dates for national former prisoner of war recognition day

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