When is journée inte de la francophonie?

journée inte de la francophonie is next on Thursday, March 20, 2025

Always know when is journée inte de la francophonie. Figure out how many days till journée inte de la francophonie. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
journée inte de la francophonie

© bigstockphoto.com / Bulgn

Journée Inte de la Francophonie is celebrated annually on March 20 to honour the establishment of the institution of La Francophonie, a foundation of French-speaking countries in Canada. On this important day, Canadians gather to highlight the importance of the French language and how it contributes to the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country.

The French language had and always will have a vital place among languages. It is currently an official language in more than 30 countries and a first language in many international and government organizations.

Journée Inte de la Francophonie, or International Francophonie Day, was created in 1988, and since then, it has been celebrated across all cities in Canada.

How to Celebrate Journée Inte de la Francophonie

You can celebrate this day by watching French-language movies with your friends or preparing a traditional French dish. If you don’t have time to plan a lunch or dinner, you can organize a picnic in the local park with a baguette, French cheese, and wine.

You can also celebrate by listening to French music or reading some of the greatest French novels, including Les Miserables, Les Fleurs Bleues, and Pseudo. If you are in a book club, you can all swap some novels and spend the evening reading one of these fantastic written masterpieces.

Choose an activity you love and enjoy #journeeinternationaledelafrancophonie.

How many days until journée inte de la francophonie?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to journée inte de la francophonie

Upcoming dates for journée inte de la francophonie

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When is journée inte de la francophonie 2025?Thursday, March 20, 2025
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2026?Friday, March 20, 2026
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2027?Saturday, March 20, 2027
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2028?Monday, March 20, 2028
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2029?Tuesday, March 20, 2029
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2030?Wednesday, March 20, 2030
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2031?Thursday, March 20, 2031
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2032?Saturday, March 20, 2032
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2033?Sunday, March 20, 2033
When is journée inte de la francophonie 2034?Monday, March 20, 2034