When is International day of persons with disabilities?

International day of persons with disabilities is next on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Always know when is International day of persons with disabilities. Figure out how many days till International day of persons with disabilities. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
int day of persons with disabilities

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated every year on December 3rd. The day is set aside for the international observance of the millions worldwide who live with a disability. It provides an opportunity to mobilize communities to adopt rules and regulations that will protect people with disabilities and make their lives easier.

The United Nations created this holiday in 1992 to raise awareness. The organization encourages people of all nations to recognize the struggles of individuals with disabilities in their communities. It is an unofficial holiday, often celebrated worldwide with new legislation that furthers the interests of the disabled community.

Each year the United Nations picks a new theme for this date. For example, the theme was “Building Back Better” in 2020, inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic. The holiday is an important reminder that disabled people worldwide struggle every day with employment issues, access to medical care, housing, and more.

How To Celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The holiday is all about raising awareness and championing the rights of disabled people in your community. Go big, and join the fight for laws or regulations to help protect the disabled and make life accessible for everyone. You could also share statistics and information on social media, raising awareness on this #InternationalDayofPersonswithDisabilities.

How many days until International day of persons with disabilities?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to International day of persons with disabilities

Upcoming dates for int day of persons with disabilities

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