When is journey to freedom day?
journey to freedom day is next on Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Always know when is journey to freedom day. Figure out how many days till journey to freedom day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
Journey to Freedom Day is celebrated annually in Canada on April 30. This day honours the brave refugees who fled Vietnam in a mass exodus after the Vietnam War. Many of those who fled either drowned in the sea or ended up in a refugee camp. However, Canada welcomed about 120,000 refugees on this historic day. This day also acknowledges the contributions of these Vietnamese refugees and the many Canadians who helped them settle into their new country.
China and Vietnam share geographical and cultural proximity. Due to this, Vietnam has always been a popular destination for Chinese immigrants. However, due to tensions from the Vietnam war, Chinese immigrants and native Vietnamese fled their country. The journey to Canada was long and dangerous, but fortunately, Canada welcomed these survivors with open arms.
How To Celebrate Journey to Freedom Day
While there are no specific ways to celebrate this important day, you will find plenty of resources for more information. Teachers can ask students to research more about Vietnam to better understand Vietnamese culture. Classes can also focus on the Vietnam War and the events leading up to it. However you decide to educate yourself on this day, you can share your findings using #JourneytoFreedomDay.
How many days until journey to freedom day?
If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to journey to freedom day
Based on Central Standard Time US/Canada
Upcoming dates for journey to freedom day
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