When is International museum day?

International museum day is next on Saturday, May 18, 2024

Always know when is International museum day. Figure out how many days till International museum day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
int museum day

© bigstockphoto.com / pink candy

International Museum Day is an annual event recognised on May 18th. It has been celebrated since its creation by ICOM in 1977. ICOM, the International Council of Museums, is an organization that promotes the conservation of “the world’s natural and cultural heritage.” In other words, they believe museums are vital to humanity! However, museums face some problems as they experience shortfalls in their funding goals. This day can also spread awareness about ways we can help save museums.

Each year, a different theme for International Museum Day seeks to draw attention to these magnificent places. In 2021, the title was “The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine.” This theme explored ideas of innovation, equality, and environmental challenges. On International Museum Day, many museums host events related to that year’s particular theme.

How To Celebrate International Museum Day

The easiest way to acknowledge this day is to go to a museum, of course! But have you ever been to a museum at night? On International Museum Day, museums globally extend their hours so that visitors can visit after dark. In addition, many museums have special events and performances, such as live music and workshops. On May 18th, go to your favorite museum, take a picture, and share it with the world using #InternationalMuseumDay!

How many days until International museum day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to International museum day

Upcoming dates for int museum day

When is int museum day 2024?Saturday, May 18, 2024
When is int museum day 2025?Sunday, May 18, 2025
When is int museum day 2026?Monday, May 18, 2026
When is int museum day 2027?Tuesday, May 18, 2027
When is int museum day 2028?Thursday, May 18, 2028
When is int museum day 2029?Friday, May 18, 2029
When is int museum day 2030?Saturday, May 18, 2030
When is int museum day 2031?Sunday, May 18, 2031
When is int museum day 2032?Tuesday, May 18, 2032
When is int museum day 2033?Wednesday, May 18, 2033
When is int museum day 2034?Thursday, May 18, 2034