When is use less stuff day?
use less stuff day is next on Thursday, November 20, 2025
Always know when is use less stuff day. Figure out how many days till use less stuff day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
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Use Less Stuff Day is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November. The day is marked as part of a campaign dedicated to saving the environment. While we are all rushing to get our hands on the newest technological gadgets, we do so without properly disposing of what we already have. Use Less Stuff Day encourages people to take a closer look at such behaviors and determine what we can do to cut back.
Does it seem as if you are accumulating more and more stuff with each day that passes? Every year, humanity continues to use tons of plastic, burning our way through considerable amounts of resources. By cutting back and using less stuff, we can control our resource consumption, saving the world and ourselves in the process.
How To Celebrate Use Less Stuff Day
To celebrate National Use Less Stuff Day, all you have to do is cut back on some of the items you use. For instance, do you frequently use plastic bottles for your water? Consider getting a tap filter and bottle the water in a glass bottle instead. Do you often buy coffee in disposable cups? Why not get a portable thermal flask and brew your coffee at home? Find innovative ways to cut back during this year’s #UseLessStuffDay
How many days until use less stuff day?
If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to use less stuff day
Based on Central Standard Time US/Canada
Upcoming dates for use less stuff day
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