When is benjamin franklin day?

benjamin franklin day is next on Friday, January 17, 2025

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benjamin franklin day

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Benjamin Franklin Day is celebrated on January 17th each year—Franklin’s birthday. Benjamin Franklin is one of the United States’ “Founding Fathers,” which means his story is an integral component of the country’s formation. While he is primarily known for his political work, Franklin was also an author, postmaster, and much more.

Despite leaving school at the age of ten, Franklin carried on to become a political force during the revolutionary period. Most modern Americans now recognize his face. After all, it’s his portrait on the US $100 bill. One of Franklin’s lesser-known achievements is that he was the founder of the University of Pennsylvania, which grew into one of the nation’s most prestigious academic institutions.

How to Celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day

If you’d like to celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day, learning more about Benjamin Franklin and his life is one of the best ways to commemorate the occasion. Since Franklin has such a powerful impact on our country’s history, many history books and articles are dedicated to his career and political activities. If you have children, teaching them more about Benjamin Franklin and his impact on the United States is an excellent way to celebrate his life and #BenjaminFranklinDay

How many days until benjamin franklin day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to benjamin franklin day

Upcoming dates for benjamin franklin day

When is benjamin franklin day 2024?Wednesday, January 17, 2024
When is benjamin franklin day 2025?Friday, January 17, 2025
When is benjamin franklin day 2026?Saturday, January 17, 2026
When is benjamin franklin day 2027?Sunday, January 17, 2027
When is benjamin franklin day 2028?Monday, January 17, 2028
When is benjamin franklin day 2029?Wednesday, January 17, 2029
When is benjamin franklin day 2030?Thursday, January 17, 2030
When is benjamin franklin day 2031?Friday, January 17, 2031
When is benjamin franklin day 2032?Saturday, January 17, 2032
When is benjamin franklin day 2033?Monday, January 17, 2033
When is benjamin franklin day 2034?Tuesday, January 17, 2034