When is limerick day?

limerick day is next on Sunday, May 12, 2024

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limerick day

Limerick Day is celebrated annually on May 12th. The holiday encourages people to read and write Limericks, which are a genre of poetry from 18th century England. Limerick Day is in honor of Edward Lear, who popularized the humorous limerick in his “Book of Nonsense” in 1846.

It is believed that the name derives from the city of Limerick, Ireland. and the poetry is often humorous in nature. The first line of a limerick introduced a person and a place, and the rest of the poem described a funny situation involving the subject or the place. Limericks can be vulgar and often inappropriate. Lear considered “clean” limericks to be average at best.

How To Celebrate Limerick Day

Celebrate Limerick Day by reading some poems, especially some of Lear’s limericks. If you’re feeling creative, write some of your own limericks and share with family and friends. #NationalLimerickDay

How many days until limerick day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to limerick day

Upcoming dates for limerick day

When is limerick day 2024?Sunday, May 12, 2024
When is limerick day 2025?Monday, May 12, 2025
When is limerick day 2026?Tuesday, May 12, 2026
When is limerick day 2027?Wednesday, May 12, 2027
When is limerick day 2028?Friday, May 12, 2028
When is limerick day 2029?Saturday, May 12, 2029
When is limerick day 2030?Sunday, May 12, 2030
When is limerick day 2031?Monday, May 12, 2031
When is limerick day 2032?Wednesday, May 12, 2032
When is limerick day 2033?Thursday, May 12, 2033
When is limerick day 2034?Friday, May 12, 2034