When is darwin day?

darwin day is next on Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Always know when is darwin day. Figure out how many days till darwin day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
darwin day

© bigstockphoto.com / Uncle Leo

Darwin Day is celebrated on February 12 every year. Whether you are a fan of science or not, you’ve no doubt heard of Charles Darwin. Darwin made many contributions to the scientific world, but none more famous than his Theory of Natural Selection from his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species. We commonly know this as “the survival of the fittest.”

One of the oldest recognized unofficial holidays, Darwin Day promotes all of Darwin’s contributions and commemorates his life works, as well as celebrating scientific study.

The movement to set aside a date to recognize this great man and his work started soon after his death in 1882 and has always been strongest in the U.K., but fans now recognize this day globally.

Great men seem to be born on this day. Abraham Lincoln shares the same birthday as Charles Darwin.

How to Celebrate Darwin Day

If you live in the U.K., you can find festivals and other events dedicated to Darwin Day. If you live in other regions of the world, you can start your own method of recognition by inviting friends over to learn more about Darwin and his discoveries. #DarwinDay

How many days until darwin day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to darwin day

Upcoming dates for darwin day

When is darwin day 2024?Monday, February 12, 2024
When is darwin day 2025?Wednesday, February 12, 2025
When is darwin day 2026?Thursday, February 12, 2026
When is darwin day 2027?Friday, February 12, 2027
When is darwin day 2028?Saturday, February 12, 2028
When is darwin day 2029?Monday, February 12, 2029
When is darwin day 2030?Tuesday, February 12, 2030
When is darwin day 2031?Wednesday, February 12, 2031
When is darwin day 2032?Thursday, February 12, 2032
When is darwin day 2033?Saturday, February 12, 2033
When is darwin day 2034?Sunday, February 12, 2034