When is world ufo day?
world ufo day is next on Wednesday, July 2, 2025
Always know when is world ufo day. Figure out how many days till world ufo day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
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World UFO Day is celebrated on July 2nd each year to raise UFO awareness. The World UFO Day Organization established this holiday to raise awareness and bring UFO enthusiasts together. While most people believe that UFOs carry green alien life-form, this isn’t always the case. UFOs are any unidentified objects or phenomena that people have not already observed. Many scientists use their knowledge to explain these phenomena, but some continue to conjure up UFO existence conspiracy theories.
Edward J. Ruppelt, a United States Air Force officer, was the first person to coin the phrase in the 1950s. He used this term to identify the unidentifiable objects or phenomena he saw in our atmosphere. However, this doesn’t mean that UFOs were a new occurrence in the ‘50s. The first recorded UFO sighting was in 214 C.E. Unidentified objects have always circulated, but now, we can obtain more scientific data on these occurrences.
How To Celebrate World UFO Day
There are many local and national UFO organizations available to join so, when World UFO Day comes around, you can participate in all of the relevant activities. If the skies are clear enough, plan a party for your friends and family to search the night sky together on #WorldUFODay
How many days until world ufo day?
If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to world ufo day
Based on Central Standard Time US/Canada
Upcoming dates for world ufo day
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