When is caviar day?
caviar day is next on Friday, July 18, 2025
Always know when is caviar day. Figure out how many days till caviar day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
© bigstockphoto.com / Subbotina Anna
Caviar Day is celebrated on July 18th of each year. Although caviar is considered a high-class delicacy in most parts of the world, it hasn’t always held such a luxurious status. The classy dish was once as ordinary as a bag of trail mix or a traditional protein bar today. During the 19th century, many commoners enjoyed caviar as a quick daytime snack due to the abundance of sturgeon (the fish that produces caviar) during that time. However, the mass indulgence of caviar caused the over-fishing of sturgeon, rapidly diminishing their numbers and forcing governments to ban sturgeon fishing. The once common snack food ranks as one of the most lavish delicacies in the western world.
How to Celebrate Caviar Day
You don’t have to go out and buy expensive sturgeon roe to celebrate Caviar Day. You can choose from among the plentiful “imposter” caviar that allows you to dine like royalty without breaking the bank. Salmon, trout, and carp produce a version of caviar that costs a fraction of the price of the real thing. Don’t miss out on this salty and indulgent holiday next July 18th. Treat yourself to some of the most luxurious food the world has to offer and pick up some caviar on #NationalCaviarDay
How many days until caviar day?
If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to caviar day
Based on Central Standard Time US/Canada
Upcoming dates for caviar day
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