Months That Have 30 Days vs 31 Days

Which months have 30 days, and which months have 31 days

Ever wonder which months have 30 days and which months have 31 days? I know I did! I still remember as a child being constantly confused about which months had however many days. Well here's a simple trick you can use by using your hand to remember the days in each month. This is a great and easy method to teach kids.

January - July

The premise is very simple - you work with the "peaks" and "valleys" of your hand, where knuckles correspond to peaks, and the area inbetween each knuckle is the valley. You start by assigning a month to your index finger knuckle, then the next month to the area between the knuckles, then the next knuckle. So starting with the knuckle of your pointer finger, you would assign January, then February in the "valley" between the knuckles, then March on the next middle finger knuckle and so on.

months that have 31 days knuckle trick. Jan-Jul
months that have 31 days knuckle trick. January-July

August - December

months that have 31 days knuckle trick. Aug-Dec
months that have 31 days knuckle trick. August-December

You should end up with July on the knuckle of your pinkie finger, at which point, you repeat the process by assigning August to the knuckle of your pointer finger, and consequently ending with December on on the knuckle of your ring finger. The end result is that months that fall on knuckles (peaks) have 31 days, and months that fall between knuckles (valleys) have 30 days, with the notable exception of February which typically has 28 days.

In conclusion, the months in Red, on the knuckles, correspond to months that have 31 days, while the months in Blue, in the valleys, correspond to months that have 30 days.

This simple trick of using your hand to remember the number of days in each month provides a fun and effective method to teach children. By associating each knuckle and valley of your hand with a different month, you can easily recall which months have 30 days and which have 31. This mnemonic device is not only practical but also engaging, making it a valuable tool for learning and remembering the calendar months.

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