When is world hello day?

world hello day is next on Thursday, November 21, 2024

Always know when is world hello day. Figure out how many days till world hello day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
world hello day

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World Hello Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated annually on the 21st of November by 180 countries. The day aims to illustrate the critical role personal communication plays in preserving peace. On this day, people are encouraged to randomly greet others and contribute to creating and maintaining global peace.

Harvard graduate Michael McCormack and Brian McCormack, a graduate of Arizona State University, created the day in 1973 to respond to the Arab-Israeli war. The brothers gathered their money and sent letters to as many world leaders as they could. Within 12 months, they had received support from more than 15 different countries, with this number eventually growing to 180. World Hello Day has also received support from Nobel Laureates, writers, and entertainers from all over the globe.

How To Celebrate World Hello Day

The only real tradition associated with the day is the practice of saying ‘hello’ to strangers, friends, and family members. To celebrate the day, simply say hello to at least ten people, particularly strangers. You could also mark the day by taking the time to learn how to say hello in a different language. Make an effort to reach out to someone else and take steps towards global peace during this year’s #WorldHelloDay

How many days until world hello day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to world hello day

Upcoming dates for world hello day

When is world hello day 2024?Thursday, November 21, 2024
When is world hello day 2025?Friday, November 21, 2025
When is world hello day 2026?Saturday, November 21, 2026
When is world hello day 2027?Sunday, November 21, 2027
When is world hello day 2028?Tuesday, November 21, 2028
When is world hello day 2029?Wednesday, November 21, 2029
When is world hello day 2030?Thursday, November 21, 2030
When is world hello day 2031?Friday, November 21, 2031
When is world hello day 2032?Sunday, November 21, 2032
When is world hello day 2033?Monday, November 21, 2033
When is world hello day 2034?Tuesday, November 21, 2034