When is vimy ridge day?

vimy ridge day is next on Wednesday, April 9, 2025

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vimy ridge day

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Vimy Ridge Day, also known as National Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, is celebrated annually on April 9. This holiday honours the Canadian soldiers who fought at Vimy Ridge in northern France during the First World War. While this battle grants a moment of glory for Canada, it also signifies a terrible tragedy, with more than 10,000 soldiers injured or killed.

The Battle of Vimy Ridge, one of Canada’s most celebrated military victories, began at 5:30 am on April 9, 1917. It represented the first time that all four divisions of the Canadian Corps fought together, and they proved to be a formidable opponent. As a result of this battle, Canada seized Vimy Ridge from the German military, resulting in a massive territorial gain for the Allies. At Vimy Ridge, there now sits a monument to the soldiers lost on that Easter Monday in 1917.

How To Celebrate Vimy Ridge Day

Several museums, including the Canadian War Museum, hold events to celebrate Vimy Ridge Day. Many people visit war memorials or national cemeteries to pay their respects. People wear Vimy pins, decorated with an image of the Vimy Ridge memorial and four coloured bars representing the four divisions of the Canadian Corps. At schools, teachers may plan special lessons about the Battle of Vimy Ridge to educate students about #VimyRidge.

How many days until vimy ridge day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to vimy ridge day

Upcoming dates for vimy ridge day

When is vimy ridge day 2024?Tuesday, April 9, 2024
When is vimy ridge day 2025?Wednesday, April 9, 2025
When is vimy ridge day 2026?Thursday, April 9, 2026
When is vimy ridge day 2027?Friday, April 9, 2027
When is vimy ridge day 2028?Sunday, April 9, 2028
When is vimy ridge day 2029?Monday, April 9, 2029
When is vimy ridge day 2030?Tuesday, April 9, 2030
When is vimy ridge day 2031?Wednesday, April 9, 2031
When is vimy ridge day 2032?Friday, April 9, 2032
When is vimy ridge day 2033?Saturday, April 9, 2033
When is vimy ridge day 2034?Sunday, April 9, 2034