When is sangria day?

sangria day is next on Friday, December 20, 2024

Always know when is sangria day. Figure out how many days till sangria day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
sangria day

© bigstockphoto.com / mizina

Sangria Day is celebrated on December 20th each year. It commemorates the refreshing fruit and wine beverage that reminds us of summer bliss and beach celebrations. Sangria’s roots stench back to the early Greek and Roman Empire. Many people added fresh fruit, sugar, and other exotic spices to their wine to make a unique wine variant called hippocras. Over time, hippocras became the go-to beverage for many commoners and spread across Europe as well as the rest of the world. The hippocras recipe would take many forms throughout the years, eventually transforming into what we know today as modern sangria. The sweet and refreshing taste of sangria still satisfies our tastes buds today and is one of the most popular adult summer beverages in the United States.

How to Celebrate Sangria Day

The best way to celebrate Sangria Day is to grab a tall glass of sangria and enjoy the sweet taste of summer bliss. Sangria pairs well with tropical cuisines and can turn even the lamest party into a night to remember. Just try to pace yourself when indulging in sangria. The last thing you want to do is become sick or hungover on #SangriaDay.

How many days until sangria day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to sangria day

Upcoming dates for sangria day

When is sangria day 2024?Friday, December 20, 2024
When is sangria day 2025?Saturday, December 20, 2025
When is sangria day 2026?Sunday, December 20, 2026
When is sangria day 2027?Monday, December 20, 2027
When is sangria day 2028?Wednesday, December 20, 2028
When is sangria day 2029?Thursday, December 20, 2029
When is sangria day 2030?Friday, December 20, 2030
When is sangria day 2031?Saturday, December 20, 2031
When is sangria day 2032?Monday, December 20, 2032
When is sangria day 2033?Tuesday, December 20, 2033
When is sangria day 2034?Wednesday, December 20, 2034