When is roald dahl day?

roald dahl day is next on Friday, September 13, 2024

Always know when is roald dahl day. Figure out how many days till roald dahl day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
roald dahl day

© bigstockphoto.com / sharafmaksumov

Roald Dahl Day is celebrated every year on his birthday, September 13th. Roald Dahl Day celebrates the life and works of Roald Dahl, who was an author who wrote many popular children’s books. Roald Dahl had a unique way of telling stories, using dark humor, poems, original vocabulary, and writing from a child’s perspective. Roald Dahl had a military career before he started pursuing writing and drew on this past in many of his early works, then relied on his surroundings and life experiences for inspiration.

Roald Dahl wrote many classic books, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, and The Fantastic Mr. Fox. He also wrote the script for the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. These stories were popular among children and adults and are still celebrated and loved today.

How to Celebrate Roald Dahl Day

Celebrate Roald Dahl Day on September 13th by reading one of his books, watching a movie that he wrote, or watching a movie adaptation of one of his books. No matter how you celebrate, be sure to take a moment to remember and celebrate this unique and powerful author on #RoaldDahlDay

How many days until roald dahl day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to roald dahl day

Upcoming dates for roald dahl day

When is roald dahl day 2024?Friday, September 13, 2024
When is roald dahl day 2025?Saturday, September 13, 2025
When is roald dahl day 2026?Sunday, September 13, 2026
When is roald dahl day 2027?Monday, September 13, 2027
When is roald dahl day 2028?Wednesday, September 13, 2028
When is roald dahl day 2029?Thursday, September 13, 2029
When is roald dahl day 2030?Friday, September 13, 2030
When is roald dahl day 2031?Saturday, September 13, 2031
When is roald dahl day 2032?Monday, September 13, 2032
When is roald dahl day 2033?Tuesday, September 13, 2033
When is roald dahl day 2034?Wednesday, September 13, 2034