When is national tartan day?

national tartan day is next on Sunday, April 6, 2025

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national tartan day

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National Tartan Day is celebrated on the 6th of April every year to commemorate the Scottish Declaration of Independence (or the Declaration of Arbroath). It serves as a day for people of Scottish descent around the world to celebrate their heritage and the day on which Scotland gained independence on April 6, 1320. The signing of the Declaration of Independence awarded Scotland full sovereignty and the right for Scots to defend themselves with their own military action.

Did you know that the American Declaration of Independence was, in fact, based on the Declaration of Arbroath? The document has 56 signatories and almost half of them were of Scottish descent. Surprisingly, nine of the 13 governors in the newly established United States were Scots. Today, the United States has over 11 million citizens who claim Scottish roots, making them the eighth-largest ethnic group in the United States. The United States Senate passed a resolution designating April 6th as National Tartan Day to recognize Scottish Americans for their contributions and achievements in the US.

How to Celebrate National Tartan Day

Major cities in the country hold parades, events, and ceremonies. Don your favorite kilt and attend a parade. These celebrations showcase the best in traditional Scottish conventions, with jovial bands consisting of drums, bagpipes, and more. Alternatively, you could dedicate the day to learning more about Scottish culture. Prepare a traditional meal, perhaps, and share with friends and family. Make the most of the day and share on social media using the hashtag #NationalTartanDay.

How many days until national tartan day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national tartan day

Upcoming dates for national tartan day

When is national tartan day 2024?Saturday, April 6, 2024
When is national tartan day 2025?Sunday, April 6, 2025
When is national tartan day 2026?Monday, April 6, 2026
When is national tartan day 2027?Tuesday, April 6, 2027
When is national tartan day 2028?Thursday, April 6, 2028
When is national tartan day 2029?Friday, April 6, 2029
When is national tartan day 2030?Saturday, April 6, 2030
When is national tartan day 2031?Sunday, April 6, 2031
When is national tartan day 2032?Tuesday, April 6, 2032
When is national tartan day 2033?Wednesday, April 6, 2033
When is national tartan day 2034?Thursday, April 6, 2034