When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism?

national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism is next on Sunday, June 23, 2024

Always know when is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism. Figure out how many days till national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism

© bigstockphoto.com / Hvostik

National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism is on June 23 every year. This national holiday is to remember the 329 people who lost their lives in the most significant terrorist attacks on Canadian citizens in history. These unfortunate souls lost their lives when terrorists bombed Air India Flight 182 off of the coast of Ireland in 1995. Canadians honour the devastating events of that day through a national day of remembrance for those lost.

The events of this horrendous act did not only impact Canadian citizens as people from all over the world fell victim to terrorism on that day. For this reason, the United Nations instituted an International Remembrance Day to honour all of the victims of the 1985 Air India Flight 182 disaster. Through their dedication and commitment to remembering these victims, countries all over the world acknowledge this holiday.

How to Celebrate the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

Citizens across Canada remember the victims on that day by honouring them through community activities, national vigils, and social media campaigns. Through these avenues, the victims' families from the worst terrorist attack against Canadian citizens know their country is behind them, as people remember their untimely deaths each #NationalDayofRemembranceForVictimsOfTerrorism.

How many days until national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism

Upcoming dates for national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism

When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2024?Sunday, June 23, 2024
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2025?Monday, June 23, 2025
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2026?Tuesday, June 23, 2026
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2027?Wednesday, June 23, 2027
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2028?Friday, June 23, 2028
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2029?Saturday, June 23, 2029
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2030?Sunday, June 23, 2030
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2031?Monday, June 23, 2031
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2032?Wednesday, June 23, 2032
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2033?Thursday, June 23, 2033
When is national day of remembrance for victims of terrorism 2034?Friday, June 23, 2034