When is national aboriginal history month?

national aboriginal history month is next on Saturday, June 1, 2024

Always know when is national aboriginal history month. Figure out how many days till national aboriginal history month. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national aboriginal history month

© bigstockphoto.com / jennyt

National Indigenous History Month, previously known as National Aboriginal History Month, occurs throughout June in Canada. This recently established celebratory month has only been around for 12 years. It is a time to honour the culture, contributions, and history of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people. All these groups have a distinct culture. They have all had a considerable impact on Canada but have not always been treated admirably.

As most are aware, the land of the Indigenous people was taken from them long ago. In addition, due to segregation and other government policies, many Indigenous people do not even know about their own culture and history. While there may be no way to repay the first people of this land, we must acknowledge the past. During National Indigenous History Month, you can show your support by learning more about their culture and even patronising their businesses.

How To Celebrate National Indigenous History Month?

During National Indigenous History Month, numerous events are held all over the country to teach people about Indigenous culture, traditions, and protocols. To further celebrate, you could challenge yourself to learn some words or greetings in an Indigenous language. You could also watch a movie or listen to music created by Indigenous people. You may think about donating money to support Aboriginal communities. Whatever you do, you can help spread the word and share your activities with #NationalIndigenousHistoryMonth.

How many days until national aboriginal history month?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national aboriginal history month

Upcoming dates for national aboriginal history month

When is national aboriginal history month 2024?Saturday, June 1, 2024
When is national aboriginal history month 2025?Sunday, June 1, 2025
When is national aboriginal history month 2026?Monday, June 1, 2026
When is national aboriginal history month 2027?Tuesday, June 1, 2027
When is national aboriginal history month 2028?Thursday, June 1, 2028
When is national aboriginal history month 2029?Friday, June 1, 2029
When is national aboriginal history month 2030?Saturday, June 1, 2030
When is national aboriginal history month 2031?Sunday, June 1, 2031
When is national aboriginal history month 2032?Tuesday, June 1, 2032
When is national aboriginal history month 2033?Wednesday, June 1, 2033
When is national aboriginal history month 2034?Thursday, June 1, 2034