When is lincoln alexander day?

lincoln alexander day is next on Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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lincoln alexander day

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Lincoln Alexander Day is celebrated every year on January 21 to honour the first black Canadian member of the Parlament, lieutenant-governor, and Cabinet minister.

In 1965, Lincoln Alexander entered politics, running for Hamilton West as MP or Conservative Member of Parlament, but lost the battle by 2,000 votes. A few years later, he decided to try his chances again and won. In 1968, Alexander was selected as the first black Canadian and got a seat at the House of Commons.

However, his legacy doesn’t stop there. In 1985, Alexander became the first black lieutenant-governor in Canada and was able to play an active role in the cultural development in Ontario. During his mandate, his goals were to fight racism and advocate for the youth and seniors.

How to Celebrate Lincoln Alexander Day

One of the best ways to celebrate this day is to read the famous memoir – “Go to School, You’re a Little Black Boy” by Herb Shoveller. The memoir shares the life and work of Alexander in detail, including his military service for Canada, his successful political career, and vocal support on topics ranging from education to antiracism.

Gather together with your children or friends and commemorate #LincolnAlexander.

How many days until lincoln alexander day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to lincoln alexander day

Upcoming dates for lincoln alexander day

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