When is data privacy day?

data privacy day is next on Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Always know when is data privacy day. Figure out how many days till data privacy day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
data privacy day

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Data Privacy Day is observed on January 28th each year to promote the ever-increasing need for data privacy. The day also helps raise awareness of the need for people to protect their data and privacy. We live in a digital world, and this day reminds us to make safeguarding our personal information a priority. In 2009, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution declaring January 28th as Data Privacy Day. Since then, the day is observed in the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries worldwide.

Digital technologies have made the collection of personal data easy. For many decades, institutions ranging from banks and ad agencies to grocery stores and product manufacturers have collected, manipulated, and sold or shared personal data for profit. Data Privacy Day is a wake-up call to be vigilant with your data and personal information to avoid falling victim to cyber-attacks or identity theft.

How to Celebrate Data Privacy Day

Attend an event or seminar that discusses data privacy, data protection, and online security. Remind the people in your life to be careful about giving their personal information over the phone, text, or email. Take steps to secure your digital devices on #DataPrivacyDay

How many days until data privacy day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to data privacy day

Upcoming dates for data privacy day

When is data privacy day 2024?Sunday, January 28, 2024
When is data privacy day 2025?Tuesday, January 28, 2025
When is data privacy day 2026?Wednesday, January 28, 2026
When is data privacy day 2027?Thursday, January 28, 2027
When is data privacy day 2028?Friday, January 28, 2028
When is data privacy day 2029?Sunday, January 28, 2029
When is data privacy day 2030?Monday, January 28, 2030
When is data privacy day 2031?Tuesday, January 28, 2031
When is data privacy day 2032?Wednesday, January 28, 2032
When is data privacy day 2033?Friday, January 28, 2033
When is data privacy day 2034?Saturday, January 28, 2034