When is world photo day?

world photo day is next on Monday, August 19, 2024

Always know when is world photo day. Figure out how many days till world photo day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
world photo day

© bigstockphoto.com / Juriy Maslak

World Photo Day is celebrated each year on August 19. This day commemorates the French government purchasing the daguerreotype process patent in 1839. Louis Daguerre invented this photographic process and created highly detailed images by using chemicals to etch designs onto silver plates. Australian photographer Korske Ara founded World Photo Day in 2009 by encouraging people to take photos and share them with audiences worldwide.

Photography means “drawing the light.” Sir John Herschel, a British scientist, coined the term in 1839, drawing from the Greek and French words “photos,” meaning light, and “graphê,” meaning writing or drawing. Since then, photography became a way for humans to document their precious moments and create art in the form of beautiful images.

How To Celebrate World Photo Day

The best way to celebrate this day is to take new photos or share your favorite photo with friends. You could also schedule a session with a professional photographer. Commit to learning more about the art of taking pictures by enrolling in a photography course. Why not also purchase a book celebrating photography and famous photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Annie Liebowitz, Diane Arbus, and Peter Lindbergh? Don’t forget to share your favorite images on social media with #WorldPhotoDay

How many days until world photo day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to world photo day

Upcoming dates for world photo day

When is world photo day 2024?Monday, August 19, 2024
When is world photo day 2025?Tuesday, August 19, 2025
When is world photo day 2026?Wednesday, August 19, 2026
When is world photo day 2027?Thursday, August 19, 2027
When is world photo day 2028?Saturday, August 19, 2028
When is world photo day 2029?Sunday, August 19, 2029
When is world photo day 2030?Monday, August 19, 2030
When is world photo day 2031?Tuesday, August 19, 2031
When is world photo day 2032?Thursday, August 19, 2032
When is world photo day 2033?Friday, August 19, 2033
When is world photo day 2034?Saturday, August 19, 2034