When is tartan day?

tartan day is next on Sunday, April 6, 2025

Always know when is tartan day. Figure out how many days till tartan day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
tartan day

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Tartan Day is celebrated every year on April 6 to honour the Scottish Declaration of Independence.

In Canada, Tartan Day was officially declared an observance in 2010 by the Minister of Canadian Heritage. More than 15% of the population in Canada has Scottish origin, meaning it is a special day for them to celebrate and connect with their ancestors.

Soon after Canada approved the establishment of Tartan Day, the Coalition of Scottish Americans in the U.S wanted to commemorate it as a national holiday. The word spread fast, and, shortly after, Australia, Argentina, and other countries around the world started celebrating Scottish culture.

How to Celebrate Tartan Day

Tartan Day celebrations in Canada include dancing and sports activities, parades with pipe bands and kilts, and community gatherings. The best way to celebrate this day is to join one of the parades or events in your city.

You can also try to find a traditional kilt or woollen fabric with crisscrossing lines and squares. If you are into details, you can also find “sporran” or purse. Attach it to your belt, and you’ll be ready to hit the parade with your friends.

Don’t forget to raise awareness on social media using the hashtag #TartanDay.

How many days until tartan day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to tartan day

Upcoming dates for tartan day

When is tartan day 2024?Saturday, April 6, 2024
When is tartan day 2025?Sunday, April 6, 2025
When is tartan day 2026?Monday, April 6, 2026
When is tartan day 2027?Tuesday, April 6, 2027
When is tartan day 2028?Thursday, April 6, 2028
When is tartan day 2029?Friday, April 6, 2029
When is tartan day 2030?Saturday, April 6, 2030
When is tartan day 2031?Sunday, April 6, 2031
When is tartan day 2032?Tuesday, April 6, 2032
When is tartan day 2033?Wednesday, April 6, 2033
When is tartan day 2034?Thursday, April 6, 2034