When is sourest day?

sourest day is next on Friday, October 25, 2024

Always know when is sourest day. Figure out how many days till sourest day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
sourest day

© bigstockphoto.com / ChupakabraJK

Sourest Day is celebrated on October 25 in honor of all things sour, from your favorite sour candy to all the sourpusses in your life. In 1977, an Ann Arbor, Michigan, resident named Richard Ankli wanted to honor a friend with the last name Sauer on their birthday. The tart idea grew into an unofficial holiday for all the sour candy lovers and Grumpy Guses in our lives.

Sour is not just a means to add flavor and zest to our food. It is also a common state of mind for a majority of the population. Who doesn’t have a testy relative or cantankerous friend who continually sees the glass as half-empty? Go to those sullen saps and let them know this day is just for them and their sour disposition.

How to Celebrate Sourest Day

Get ready to make your mouth water with an entire day of all things sour, starting with a breakfast grapefruit with no added sugar or sour candies that make your whole face pucker. Have some friends over to experiment with sour foods and document their reactions for some great Tik Tok videos. For those with a sour disposition, enjoy your day by making that frown even frownier. #SourestDay

How many days until sourest day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to sourest day

Upcoming dates for sourest day

When is sourest day 2024?Friday, October 25, 2024
When is sourest day 2025?Saturday, October 25, 2025
When is sourest day 2026?Sunday, October 25, 2026
When is sourest day 2027?Monday, October 25, 2027
When is sourest day 2028?Wednesday, October 25, 2028
When is sourest day 2029?Thursday, October 25, 2029
When is sourest day 2030?Friday, October 25, 2030
When is sourest day 2031?Saturday, October 25, 2031
When is sourest day 2032?Monday, October 25, 2032
When is sourest day 2033?Tuesday, October 25, 2033
When is sourest day 2034?Wednesday, October 25, 2034