When is polar bear plunge day?

polar bear plunge day is next on Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Always know when is polar bear plunge day. Figure out how many days till polar bear plunge day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
polar bear plunge day

© bigstockphoto.com / Zigi

Polar Bear Plunge Day is celebrated annually on January 1. Also known as New Year’s Dive, Polar Bear Swim Day, or Loony Dook, the day encourages people to start their year with an act of daredevilry by taking a dip in the freezing waters of their local pond, river, or lake. This activity of jumping into a freezing water body is a popular New Year’s Day tradition in Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Though it might be new to you, polar bear swim clubs have existed for more than a century—the oldest documented polar bear plunge event was held in 1904 by the L Street Brownies, a swimming club founded in 1902 in South Boston, Massachusetts. On a freezing day on January 1, 1904, they all plunged into Dorchester Bay, and, since then, people have been celebrating the arrival of the New Year with a cold dip.

How To Celebrate Polar Bear Plunge Day

You can celebrate Polar Bear Plunge Day by finding a lake, sea, or pond and plunging into it. Alternatively, you could choose to support someone who is participating in the plunge for charity. You could also opt to visit polar bears at a zoo and snap a few pics that you can share on social media using the hashtag #PolarBearPlungeDay

How many days until polar bear plunge day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to polar bear plunge day

Upcoming dates for polar bear plunge day

When is polar bear plunge day 2024?Monday, January 1, 2024
When is polar bear plunge day 2025?Wednesday, January 1, 2025
When is polar bear plunge day 2026?Thursday, January 1, 2026
When is polar bear plunge day 2027?Friday, January 1, 2027
When is polar bear plunge day 2028?Saturday, January 1, 2028
When is polar bear plunge day 2029?Monday, January 1, 2029
When is polar bear plunge day 2030?Tuesday, January 1, 2030
When is polar bear plunge day 2031?Wednesday, January 1, 2031
When is polar bear plunge day 2032?Thursday, January 1, 2032
When is polar bear plunge day 2033?Saturday, January 1, 2033
When is polar bear plunge day 2034?Sunday, January 1, 2034