When is pluto demoted day?

pluto demoted day is next on Saturday, August 24, 2024

Always know when is pluto demoted day. Figure out how many days till pluto demoted day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
pluto demoted day

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Pluto Demoted Day is celebrated every year on August 24. It commemorates the day when the International Astronomical Union changed Pluto's status from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006.

Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto at the Lowell Observatory, Arizona, in 1930. For 76 years, it was considered the Solar System's ninth planet. Pluto, named after the Greek mythological ruler of the underworld, has five moons: Charon, Nix, Kerberos, Styx, and Hydra. Its diameter is approximately 2,250 kilometers, and it is 6 billion kilometers from Earth.

Pluto has an erratic orbit and can take 250 Earth years to orbit the Sun. It was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet because, although it orbits the Sun and has sufficient mass for its own self-gravity, Pluto does not meet the criteria to be considered a planet. It has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and it is not a moon.

How To Celebrate Pluto Demoted Day

Celebrate Pluto Demoted Day by reading about planets and solar system. Why not visit your local planetarium to learn more about planets, moons, meteors, and comets? If you have kids, work with them to model the solar system and explain to them why Pluto is no longer a planet this #PlutoDemotedDay

How many days until pluto demoted day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to pluto demoted day

Upcoming dates for pluto demoted day

When is pluto demoted day 2024?Saturday, August 24, 2024
When is pluto demoted day 2025?Sunday, August 24, 2025
When is pluto demoted day 2026?Monday, August 24, 2026
When is pluto demoted day 2027?Tuesday, August 24, 2027
When is pluto demoted day 2028?Thursday, August 24, 2028
When is pluto demoted day 2029?Friday, August 24, 2029
When is pluto demoted day 2030?Saturday, August 24, 2030
When is pluto demoted day 2031?Sunday, August 24, 2031
When is pluto demoted day 2032?Tuesday, August 24, 2032
When is pluto demoted day 2033?Wednesday, August 24, 2033
When is pluto demoted day 2034?Thursday, August 24, 2034