When is no rhyme or reason day?

no rhyme or reason day is next on Sunday, September 1, 2024

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no rhyme or reason day

© bigstockphoto.com / sgriffin1

No Rhyme or Reason Day is celebrated every year on September 1 to appreciate English words that don’t rhyme with other words. Examples of these so-called refractory rhymes, or words that do not rhyme with any other word, include month, chimney, purple, silver, and woman. Due to their un-rhyme-able nature, these words rarely appear in poetry.

It is unknown when the expression “no rhyme or reason” appeared in the English language. Many believe that the idiom first appeared in the book “The Boke of Nurture” by John Russell in 1460. Later, the phrase was popularized in Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors” in 1590 and “As You Like It” in 1600.

How to Celebrate No Rhyme or Reason Day

Celebrating No Rhyme or Reason Day can be pretty fun. Spend the day learning popular idioms or words, writing down words that you can’t rhyme, or trying to incorporate some famous phrases into your everyday dialog. You can celebrate by doing something kind or fun without any rhyme or reason. Learn, laugh, and enjoy #NoRhymeOrReasonDay

How many days until no rhyme or reason day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to no rhyme or reason day

Upcoming dates for no rhyme or reason day

When is no rhyme or reason day 2024?Sunday, September 1, 2024
When is no rhyme or reason day 2025?Monday, September 1, 2025
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When is no rhyme or reason day 2033?Thursday, September 1, 2033
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