When is national unicef day?

national unicef day is next on Thursday, October 31, 2024

Always know when is national unicef day. Figure out how many days till national unicef day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national unicef day

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National UNICEF Day is celebrated on the 31st of October every year. Previously referred to as Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, National UNICEF Day is one of the country’s longest-running youth fundraising activities. The day provides Canadians with an opportunity to come together to raise funds for the children who rely on UNICEF’s support and efforts in offering them essential resources such as clean water, vaccines, and access to education.

Though the day initially involved Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF boxes, it has gradually evolved into an in-school fundraising program. No matter how small, each donation can significantly impact the life of a child in a different part of the world.

How to Celebrate National UNICEF Day

With UNICEF moving its fundraising program online, there are even more opportunities to participate in National UNICEF Day. The organization’s website has all the resources you need to launch a school fundraising campaign, from pledge forms that you can print to lesson plans and fundraising ideas. It is also possible for you to fundraise without using online materials. Consider organizing a bake sale, school dance, or pizza day. Some even opt to perform house chores or sacrifice certain luxuries in exchange for a donation. Contribute towards UNICEF’s efforts this #NationalUNICEFDay.

How many days until national unicef day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national unicef day

Upcoming dates for national unicef day

When is national unicef day 2024?Thursday, October 31, 2024
When is national unicef day 2025?Friday, October 31, 2025
When is national unicef day 2026?Saturday, October 31, 2026
When is national unicef day 2027?Sunday, October 31, 2027
When is national unicef day 2028?Tuesday, October 31, 2028
When is national unicef day 2029?Wednesday, October 31, 2029
When is national unicef day 2030?Thursday, October 31, 2030
When is national unicef day 2031?Friday, October 31, 2031
When is national unicef day 2032?Sunday, October 31, 2032
When is national unicef day 2033?Monday, October 31, 2033
When is national unicef day 2034?Tuesday, October 31, 2034