When is national cleanup day?

national cleanup day is next on Saturday, September 21, 2024

Always know when is national cleanup day. Figure out how many days till national cleanup day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national cleanup day

© bigstockphoto.com / photoboyko

National Cleanup Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in September every year. This holiday was established by a few avid hikers and the organization called “Clean Trails” that works to clean hiking trails and outdoor environments. This holiday is meant to raise awareness about the severity of pollution and litter in our environment. People are encouraged to clean their neighborhood or favorite hiking trail on this day to help improve their environment while enjoying the outdoors.

Without stronger efforts to keep our environment clean, pollution will ruin the remaining natural areas in the United States. National Cleanup Day is meant to combat this growing issue through awareness and cleaning. Research shows that a cleaner environment can increase the quality of life and encourages more people to get out and experience nature.

How to Celebrate National Cleanup Day

This year on National Cleanup Day, you can celebrate by organizing a cleaning day. Whether you just gather your family and friends or organize a company activity, every bit helps. Work together to clean your favorite park or trail, then spend the day enjoying a pollution and litter-free natural space. Even if you can’t organize a group, we encourage you to get out there and fight pollution on #NationalCleanupDay

How many days until national cleanup day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national cleanup day

Upcoming dates for national cleanup day

When is national cleanup day 2024?Saturday, September 21, 2024
When is national cleanup day 2025?Saturday, September 20, 2025
When is national cleanup day 2026?Saturday, September 19, 2026
When is national cleanup day 2027?Saturday, September 18, 2027
When is national cleanup day 2028?Saturday, September 16, 2028
When is national cleanup day 2029?Saturday, September 15, 2029
When is national cleanup day 2030?Saturday, September 21, 2030
When is national cleanup day 2031?Saturday, September 20, 2031
When is national cleanup day 2032?Saturday, September 18, 2032
When is national cleanup day 2033?Saturday, September 17, 2033
When is national cleanup day 2034?Saturday, September 16, 2034