When is international country music day?

international country music day is next on Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Always know when is international country music day. Figure out how many days till international country music day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
international country music day

© bigstockphoto.com / Hannamariah

International Country Music Day is celebrated each year on September 17th. This holiday was established in 2003 and was meant to be a way that country music artists and listeners could gather and appreciate the genre. The hope was to celebrate the genre, teach others about it, and allow people to learn about the diversity within country music.

Country is a genre of music with many different sub-genres like bluegrass, country rock, country pop, and honky-tonk. Each of the sub-genres are unique and have their own fan base within the country music genre. While many people think country music all sounds the same, it is actually one of the most diverse genres in modern music.

How to Celebrate International Country Music Day

This year, celebrate International Country Music Day by listening to your favorite country music artists. You can also celebrate by branching out and listening to new country music artists or songs from a different sub-genre of country. If you mainly listen to country pop songs, try listening to a bluegrass band for a day to see what you think. No matter what you do, be sure to appreciate the genre and try to learn something new about country music on this #InternationalCountryMusicDay

How many days until international country music day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to international country music day

Upcoming dates for international country music day

When is international country music day 2024?Tuesday, September 17, 2024
When is international country music day 2025?Wednesday, September 17, 2025
When is international country music day 2026?Thursday, September 17, 2026
When is international country music day 2027?Friday, September 17, 2027
When is international country music day 2028?Sunday, September 17, 2028
When is international country music day 2029?Monday, September 17, 2029
When is international country music day 2030?Tuesday, September 17, 2030
When is international country music day 2031?Wednesday, September 17, 2031
When is international country music day 2032?Friday, September 17, 2032
When is international country music day 2033?Saturday, September 17, 2033
When is international country music day 2034?Sunday, September 17, 2034