When is cousins day?

cousins day is next on Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Always know when is cousins day. Figure out how many days till cousins day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
cousins day

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Cousins Day is celebrated on July 24th each year. The holiday gives thanks to all the cousins in our lives and the joy they bring us. Unfortunately, many people drift apart from their cousins as they get older and take on new responsibilities. National Cousins Day reminds us of the importance of cousins and why we should keep a healthy relationship with them through thick and thin.

How to Celebrate Cousins Day

All you have to do to celebrate National Cousins Day is call or hang out with your cousins and catch up on fond memories or the events going on in each other’s lives. Cousins play a pivotal role in many people's lives. Staying close to all your cousins may be difficult if they live in a different city or state but maintaining a relationship with them is worth the effort. National Cousins Day gives us a gentle reminder to connect with our cousins and cherish the bonds we formed with them as children. So, this July 24th, don’t forget to call up your cousin and tell them how much they mean to you. They are family, after all! Celebrate them on #CousinsDay

How many days until cousins day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to cousins day

Upcoming dates for cousins day

When is cousins day 2024?Wednesday, July 24, 2024
When is cousins day 2025?Thursday, July 24, 2025
When is cousins day 2026?Friday, July 24, 2026
When is cousins day 2027?Saturday, July 24, 2027
When is cousins day 2028?Monday, July 24, 2028
When is cousins day 2029?Tuesday, July 24, 2029
When is cousins day 2030?Wednesday, July 24, 2030
When is cousins day 2031?Thursday, July 24, 2031
When is cousins day 2032?Saturday, July 24, 2032
When is cousins day 2033?Sunday, July 24, 2033
When is cousins day 2034?Monday, July 24, 2034