When is checkers day?

checkers day is next on Monday, September 23, 2024

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checkers day

© bigstockphoto.com / OlyaSolodenko

Checkers Day is celebrated on September 23rd to commemorate the famous “checkers” speech made by Richard M. Nixon as he sought election in 1952. Nixon faced claims of misusing donations meant for election expenses. Instead of shying away from the allegations, Nixon decided to deal with the issue during a TV interview.

The Checkers speech became one of the most celebrated speeches not because of the financial details but the introduction of Checkers, a Cocker Spaniel. During the speech, Nixon stated that he intended to keep one gift, a black and white dog named Checkers, that his children loved dearly. The speech was seen and heard by the largest TV audience at the time, and Nixon won the hearts of many Americans. Thanks to the speech, Nixon made the Republican ticket, and we celebrate National Checkers Day.

How To Celebrate Checkers Day

Read more about the life of Richard Nixon and his Checkers speech. If you have young adults and children, Checkers Day is a good day to introduce them to American politics. Even though the day has nothing to do with the game Checkers, there’s no harm in playing a game or two of it. Have a fun Checkers Day and share on social media using #CheckersDay

How many days until checkers day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to checkers day

Upcoming dates for checkers day

When is checkers day 2024?Monday, September 23, 2024
When is checkers day 2025?Tuesday, September 23, 2025
When is checkers day 2026?Wednesday, September 23, 2026
When is checkers day 2027?Thursday, September 23, 2027
When is checkers day 2028?Saturday, September 23, 2028
When is checkers day 2029?Sunday, September 23, 2029
When is checkers day 2030?Monday, September 23, 2030
When is checkers day 2031?Tuesday, September 23, 2031
When is checkers day 2032?Thursday, September 23, 2032
When is checkers day 2033?Friday, September 23, 2033
When is checkers day 2034?Saturday, September 23, 2034