When is asian heritage month?

asian heritage month is next on Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Always know when is asian heritage month. Figure out how many days till asian heritage month. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
asian heritage month

© bigstockphoto.com / dsnovik

Asian Heritage Month takes place annually in May. This particular month has been celebrated in Canada since the 1990s but was made official in 2002. During this month, Canadians honour the many accomplishments and contributions of Asian members of their communities. During this month, Asian Canadians celebrate and showcase aspects of their culture, which has become ingrained within the overall culture of Canada.

While this month focuses on Asian Canadians and highlights their history, it also encourages everyone to remember the struggles this group has faced. Due to a wave of discrimination at the start of the global pandemic, it is especially important to bring awareness to the plights of Asian Canadians. This month should also venerate and recognize the activism of the Asian Canadian community and their work towards social justice and equality.

How To Celebrate Asian Heritage Month

Asian Canadians did not only help build this very country, but they represent a wealth of diversity and experience in Canada. You can do many things to support the Asian Canadian members of your community and speak out against anti-Asian racism and discrimination. Start by celebrating Asian Heritage Month and spreading awareness through social media by using #AsianHeritageMonth.

How many days until asian heritage month?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to asian heritage month

Upcoming dates for asian heritage month

When is asian heritage month 2024?Wednesday, May 1, 2024
When is asian heritage month 2025?Thursday, May 1, 2025
When is asian heritage month 2026?Friday, May 1, 2026
When is asian heritage month 2027?Saturday, May 1, 2027
When is asian heritage month 2028?Monday, May 1, 2028
When is asian heritage month 2029?Tuesday, May 1, 2029
When is asian heritage month 2030?Wednesday, May 1, 2030
When is asian heritage month 2031?Thursday, May 1, 2031
When is asian heritage month 2032?Saturday, May 1, 2032
When is asian heritage month 2033?Sunday, May 1, 2033
When is asian heritage month 2034?Monday, May 1, 2034