When is trivia day?

trivia day is next on Saturday, January 4, 2025

Always know when is trivia day. Figure out how many days till trivia day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
trivia day

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National Trivia Day happens each year on January 4th, with its origin somewhere during the 1960s. At the time, college students would quiz each other about various topics, like pop culture or academic subjects. The trivia enthusiasts began to turn it into an official game, and Jeopardy! first aired on television in the mid-1960s to intrigue viewers everywhere.

The Trivial Pursuit board game emerged in the late 1970s, bringing trivia fun to the whole family. The structured trivia game was an instant hit, allowing players to ask each other questions about a variety of topics and compete for the win. Trivial Pursuit brought the game of trivia into homes and community interactions and made people fall in love with the concept.

Today, there are hundreds of other trivia games, shows, and phone apps following this trend. Trivia is now a favorite pastime of many people who love to share knowledge, which is why National Trivia Day has become so popular.

How To Celebrate National Trivia Day

There are many ways to celebrate National Trivia Day this year. You could find bars hosting entertaining trivia nights in any city, play Trivial Pursuit, or watch a Jeopardy! marathon. Trivia evolves constantly, and a fun day to quiz your friends makes for a great #NationalTriviaDay.

How many days until trivia day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to trivia day

Upcoming dates for trivia day

When is trivia day 2024?Thursday, January 4, 2024
When is trivia day 2025?Saturday, January 4, 2025
When is trivia day 2026?Sunday, January 4, 2026
When is trivia day 2027?Monday, January 4, 2027
When is trivia day 2028?Tuesday, January 4, 2028
When is trivia day 2029?Thursday, January 4, 2029
When is trivia day 2030?Friday, January 4, 2030
When is trivia day 2031?Saturday, January 4, 2031
When is trivia day 2032?Sunday, January 4, 2032
When is trivia day 2033?Tuesday, January 4, 2033
When is trivia day 2034?Wednesday, January 4, 2034