When is sun screen day?

sun screen day is next on Monday, May 27, 2024

Always know when is sun screen day. Figure out how many days till sun screen day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
sun screen day

© bigstockphoto.com / verona_studio

Sunscreen Day is celebrated every year on May 27th, and aims to promote awareness for the use of sunscreen. The holiday is also known as “Don’t Fry Day” and is the perfect time to acknowledge some of the dangers that come along with the sun’s ultraviolet light.

Sunscreen, also known as sun block, is widely used today to protect our sensitive skin from sun burn. This is a far cry from the 1980’s when people used to add lotion to further enhance the effects of the sun! Medical professionals recommend that people apply sunscreen to prevent skin cancer, and it is important to know about the various kinds of sunscreen and what it does for us.

How To Celebrate Sunscreen Day

Educate yourself on the various types of sunscreen available. Stock up on sunscreen for the upcoming summer fun. The higher the SPF, the better #SunscreenDay

How many days until sun screen day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to sun screen day

Upcoming dates for sun screen day

When is sun screen day 2024?Monday, May 27, 2024
When is sun screen day 2025?Tuesday, May 27, 2025
When is sun screen day 2026?Wednesday, May 27, 2026
When is sun screen day 2027?Thursday, May 27, 2027
When is sun screen day 2028?Saturday, May 27, 2028
When is sun screen day 2029?Sunday, May 27, 2029
When is sun screen day 2030?Monday, May 27, 2030
When is sun screen day 2031?Tuesday, May 27, 2031
When is sun screen day 2032?Thursday, May 27, 2032
When is sun screen day 2033?Friday, May 27, 2033
When is sun screen day 2034?Saturday, May 27, 2034