When is national weatherpersons day?
national weatherpersons day is next on Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Always know when is national weatherpersons day. Figure out how many days till national weatherpersons day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
National Weatherpersons Day is celebrated on February 5th every year in honor of individuals in the fields of weather forecasting, meteorology, and broadcast meteorology. The day also acknowledges other professionals who work in the weather industry, including volunteer storm trackers and observers.
The annual holiday commemorates the birthday of John Jeffries, a surgeon, scientist, and pioneer weather observer who made daily observations in Boston. Jeffries became the first to gather weather data from a weather balloon, taking his first observation in 1784. Experts in weather forecasting work hard to accurately forecast and report the dynamic and often unpredictable weather. Even with the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art technology, predicting “Mother Nature” is never easy.
How to Celebrate National Weatherpersons Day
Don’t forget to thank your local weatherperson: Whether it’s a person you see every other day on the news or storm spotters who report to the National Weather Service, spare some time to consider the impact of weather on your daily life and how much you appreciate an accurate forecast. Give a shout-out to a weatherperson who stands out in your area. You could also try to predict the weather and share your experiences on social media using #NationalWeatherpersonsDay.
How many days until national weatherpersons day?
If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national weatherpersons day
Based on Central Standard Time US/Canada
Upcoming dates for national weatherpersons day
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