When is left handers day?

left handers day is next on Wednesday, August 13, 2025

Always know when is left handers day. Figure out how many days till left handers day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
left handers day

© bigstockphoto.com / tataks

International Left-Handers Day falls on August 13th of each year and is devoted to the uniqueness of left-handed people. This celebration acknowledges the difficulty of being left-handed in a world designed for right-handers. 10% of the population is left-handed, so the day promotes awareness of the difficulties of being left-handed and the need to design left-handed friendly items.

Although this holiday was first proposed in 1976, it wasn’t until the Lefthanders International Organization (LIO) made Left-Hander’s Day official in 1992 that it began to gain international popularity. LIO proclaimed it as a day devoted to the trials of the left-handed to showcase the need for more left-handed choices. Everything from scissors to computer mice to cars with a stick shift is designed for the comfort of right-handed people; a day devoted to left-handers raises awareness of the challenges of living in a world not designed with them in mind.

How to Celebrate Left-Handers Day

Do you have a left-handed person in your life, or are you one? Here are some suggestions to celebrate your favorite lefty. If you are right-handed, treat your left-handed loved ones to coffee or dinner. You could also challenge yourself by using your left hand throughout your day to see what it’s like to walk in their left-handed shoes. Another option is to educate others on the difficulty of being left-handed. Left-handers require an adjustment that right-handers don’t, so use #LeftHandersDay to show them you care.

How many days until left handers day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to left handers day

Upcoming dates for left handers day

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