When is grilled cheese day?

grilled cheese day is next on Saturday, April 12, 2025

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grilled cheese day

© bigstockphoto.com / Moving Moment

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day is celebrated on April 12th every year, and it recognizes the universally delicious grilled cheese sandwich! I don't care what kind of bread, or what kind of cheese, chances are it's delicious! - grilled to perfection, with gooey, melted cheese.

History of the Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled cheese sandwiches have been around since ancient times, though the exact origin isn't known. It is believed that some form of grilled or baked bread and cheese was enjoyed by Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. It wasn't until the 20th century that the grilled cheese sandwich we know today was invented.

In the 1920s, the first toasted cheese sandwich was made using sliced bread and American cheese. This sandwich was popularized in the 1930s by the Kraft company, which began selling pre-sliced cheese and pre-sliced bread. During World War II, the grilled cheese sandwich became even more popular due to rationing. The sandwich was easy to make, filling, and relatively cheap.

In the 1950s, the grilled cheese sandwich was further improved with the advent of pre-made, frozen sandwiches. The invention of the Panini press in the 1970s allowed people to make grilled cheese sandwiches with more ease and speed. In the 2000s, the grilled cheese sandwich became a gourmet food item with chefs experimenting with different types of cheese, bread, and ingredients.

How to Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

There are lots of ways to celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! The easiest way is to make a delicious grilled cheese sandwich at home. All you need is two slices of bread, some cheese, and a pan or griddle. Start by buttering one side of each slice of bread and lay them butter-side-down on a pan. Add your favorite cheese to one of the slices, then top with the other slice of bread butter-side-up. Cook the sandwich over medium-low heat for about 3 minutes on each side, or until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown.

If you don't feel like making your own sandwich, you can also celebrate by visiting your local restaurant or café and ordering a grilled cheese sandwich! You can also get creative and make a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich. Try adding different types of cheese, meats, vegetables, or condiments to make a unique sandwich.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, don't forget to share it with your friends and family on social media using the hashtag #GrilledCheeseSandwichDay

How many days until grilled cheese day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to grilled cheese day

Upcoming dates for grilled cheese day

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