When is everything you think is wrong day?

everything you think is wrong day is next on Saturday, March 15, 2025

Always know when is everything you think is wrong day. Figure out how many days till everything you think is wrong day. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
everything you think is wrong day

© bigstockphoto.com / studio4a

Everything You Think is Wrong Day happens every March 15th as a day to spend correcting the wrong thoughts we have. Author Jillian Medoff founded the holiday in 2010 with the goal of avoiding decision-making and focusing on making corrections for all of those times when our minds have misled us into believing something was true when it wasn't. It’s also a day to (gently) correct those who always think they're right.

This holiday is the perfect day to get away from all our misconceptions. Every day, we are constantly inundated with information. It's impossible to know everything about the world around us, and it can be hard to keep up with what is true or false when there's so much misinformation. Anyone who's heard of the phrase “fake news” knows not all pieces of trivia you learn from your friends or the media are correct – and they're probably worth looking into.

How to Celebrate Everything You Think is Wrong Day

Instead of pointing out how wrong others are, why not take this opportunity to see the larger perspective? Scroll through your Twitter or Facebook feed and take a critical eye toward the facts and perspectives you encounter. If you happen to be incorrect on this holiday, remember everyone is wrong at times. Share your thoughts on your social media platform of choice with the hashtag #EverythingYouThinkIsWrongDay.

How many days until everything you think is wrong day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to everything you think is wrong day

Upcoming dates for everything you think is wrong day

When is everything you think is wrong day 2024?Friday, March 15, 2024
When is everything you think is wrong day 2025?Saturday, March 15, 2025
When is everything you think is wrong day 2026?Sunday, March 15, 2026
When is everything you think is wrong day 2027?Monday, March 15, 2027
When is everything you think is wrong day 2028?Wednesday, March 15, 2028
When is everything you think is wrong day 2029?Thursday, March 15, 2029
When is everything you think is wrong day 2030?Friday, March 15, 2030
When is everything you think is wrong day 2031?Saturday, March 15, 2031
When is everything you think is wrong day 2032?Monday, March 15, 2032
When is everything you think is wrong day 2033?Tuesday, March 15, 2033
When is everything you think is wrong day 2034?Wednesday, March 15, 2034