When is national organ and tissue donor week?

national organ and tissue donor week is next on Sunday, April 20, 2025

Always know when is national organ and tissue donor week. Figure out how many days till national organ and tissue donor week. Holiday dates available for the next 10 years...
national organ and tissue donor week

© bigstockphoto.com / SkazovD

National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week is a Canadian celebration of those who have selflessly registered as donors to help save lives. This week also strives to raise awareness about the need for donors throughout Canada by encouraging citizens to register as donors. Unfortunately, the registration rates for donors in Canada remain some of the worst among all developing countries. While 90 percent of Canadians say they approve of donations, only 32 percent have actually registered to become donors to help the more than 4,400 Canadians on waiting lists for lifesaving organ and tissue transplants.

This special week began in February 1997; however, the official week now usually kicks off in the last week of April. This week was chosen to commemorate the death of Stuart Herriet, who was only a toddler when he was killed in a tragic automobile accident. Herriet’s parents donated the young boy’s organs and tissue. As a result, four people had their lives saved and vastly improved.

How To Celebrate National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week

To celebrate this potentially life-saving week and get involved, please visit organtissuedonation.ca to register as a donor. Also, talk about donorship with your loved ones. Consider partnering with health care providers and Canadian Blood Services to help bring awareness to the need for organ and tissue donors. You can also spread the word on social media by using #NOTDAW or #NationalOrganAndTissueDonorAwareness.

How many days until national organ and tissue donor week?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to national organ and tissue donor week

Upcoming dates for national organ and tissue donor week

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