When is zipper day?

zipper day is next on Tuesday, April 29, 2025

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zipper day

© bigstockphoto.com / Le Quang Nhut

National Zipper Day is celebrated each year on April 29. This day commemorates April 29, 1913, when the patent for the modern zipper was issued. These days, we take the zipper for granted as a lot of clothes we own utilizes this wonderful invention.

History of the Zipper

The zipper has been around since 1851, when Elias Howe invented his ‘Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure’. However, it was not until 1913 when Giden Sundback, a Swedish American electrical engineer, perfected the modern zipper. On April 29, 1913, the patent for the modern zipper was issued and the invention was made public. The idea of a zipper was not accepted right away, as the public thought the fastener was complicated and unreliable. It was not until 1923 that the zipper was truly accepted and the term “zipper” was coined by the B.F Goodrich company.

How to Celebrate National Zipper Day

Celebrating National Zipper Day is easy and fun! Wearing clothes that have zippers is a great way to show appreciation for this wonderful invention. Try wearing something with a zipper that you have never worn before. You can also try sewing a zipper onto a piece of cloth to fully appreciate the challenge of creating a zipper.

You can also take part in conversations about National Zipper Day on social media. Share stories and pictures of your favorite clothes that have zippers and use the hashtag #NationalZipperDay to join the fun.

There are lots of interesting facts about the zipper that fifth graders can learn. For example, did you know that the zipper was once called the “hookless fastener”? It was not until 1925 that the name zipper was used. Another interesting fact is that the zipper is used in many everyday items like backpacks, purses, sleeping bags, and tents.

On National Zipper Day, take some time to appreciate the invention of the zipper and all of the ways it is used in our everyday lives. It is a simple invention that has made our lives much easier and it is something to be celebrated!

So, on April 29, celebrate National Zipper Day by wearing something with a zipper and join the conversation on social media. Take some time to learn more about the history of this wonderful invention and appreciate its role in our lives.

How many days until zipper day?

If you want to know how many more days, then here is your countdown to zipper day

Upcoming dates for zipper day

When is zipper day 2024?Monday, April 29, 2024
When is zipper day 2025?Tuesday, April 29, 2025
When is zipper day 2026?Wednesday, April 29, 2026
When is zipper day 2027?Thursday, April 29, 2027
When is zipper day 2028?Saturday, April 29, 2028
When is zipper day 2029?Sunday, April 29, 2029
When is zipper day 2030?Monday, April 29, 2030
When is zipper day 2031?Tuesday, April 29, 2031
When is zipper day 2032?Thursday, April 29, 2032
When is zipper day 2033?Friday, April 29, 2033
When is zipper day 2034?Saturday, April 29, 2034